About Us


Green Valley Baptist Assocation was organized October 22, 1958 at the Immanuel Baptsit Temple, Henderson, KY. Her first moderator was Rev. Robert Stinson, pastor of Bellfield Baptist Church, who served only a few months. Rev. Raymond Farrar was elected to succeed Rev. Stinson. This Association was organized with 19 churches & 4 missions, all of them in Henderson County, except FBC Sebree & Poole, both in Webster County.

Roster of Officers were elected as follows:
Rev. Thomas H. Francis, Superintendent of Missions
Rev. Dillard A. West, Clerk
Mr Waverlie D. Crafton, Treasurer
Mrs. Stanley (Cornelia) Burton Ashby was Secretary/Clerk for two years. Mrs. Wilburn (Frances) Jewell was hired as Secretary/Clerk in May 1960. She served until 1981. Mrs. Larryl (Nada) Huntley served as Secretary/Clerk from 1981 till 1999. Mrs. Karen Totton succeeded Mrs. Huntley in August of 1999.

The offices of GVBA were located in a Sunday School room of Immanuel until the present building at 2470 South Green Street was completed in January 1961.

The objective of the Green Valley Baptist Association is, "This association shall strive to enable the local churches in its membership to become more effective in carrying out The Great Commission of our Lord and to better cooperate with each other and our brethren of the Kentucky Baptist Convention & the Southern Baptist Convention. This Association shall also seek to stimulate and sustain Christian fellowship."

The Association building was also home to the Baptist Student Union (now known as C.R.O.S.S.) geared to the devotional life of the student body of Henderson Community College. C.R.O.S.S. now meets on the HCC campus on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon. Many of our WMU groups from our now 30 churches provide lunch for the students & faculty that attend.

In 1966, Rev. Thomas Francis resigned as Superintendent of Missions. Rev. David Bratcher came as Superintendent of Missions in August, 1967 and served until September, 1970. In March, 1971, Rev. R.G. Shelton came as Direcotr of Missions. He served till 1983. Dr. L.M. Huff served as Director of Missions from 1983 - 1996. Dr. Steve Thompson served as DOM from 1997 - 1999. Bro. Steve resigned in 1999 upon  accepting a position with the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Dr. Phillip Basinger served as DOM from November 1999 till April 2009. Dr. Basinger resigned from GVBA after feeling God's call to lead Bellfield Baptist Church as pastor. In May of 2010, Dr. Bill Patterson joined with GVBA to serve as  Director of Missions till his retirement January 2022. 

Dr. Phillip Basinger is now serving as our Interim Associational Missions Strategist.

In March 2022, Calvary Missionary Baptist Church gifted their church building & grounds to GVBA. The agreement between GVBA & Calvary is as follows:


by and between




            THE Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as “Memorandum”, is made and entered into this the 4th day of May 2022, by and between Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, hereinafter referred to as “Calvary” and the Green Valley Baptist Association, hereinafter referred to as “GVBA”.


             WHEREAS, Calvary is a Kentucky non-profit corporation located in Henderson KY; and

             WHEREAS, GVBA is a Kentucky non-profit corporation located in Henderson, KY; and

             WHEREAS, Calvary and GVBA have reached an agreement concerning the transfer by Calvary of its real property to GVBA and would like to memorialize said understanding.

             NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions as set forth below, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

Calvary and GVBA will properly authorize and execute the deed necessary to transfer the real property located at 2360 Green River Road (hereinafter “Premises”) from Calvary to GVBA.

  1. Calvary will continue to operate and conduct its church upon the Premises as herein provided. Calvary will be responsible for paying its own staff ad for all other items related to its ministry.
  2. GVBA will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the Premises.
  3. The sanctuary and fellowship hall portions of the Premises shall not be altered and will be shared and used by both Calvary and GVBA in furtherance of their respective ministries.
  4. In addition, Calvary will have the use of the two (2) Sunday school classrooms located across from the Pastor’s office.
  5. The Kathy J. Strange ANSWER Center and its operations, being part of the ministry of the GVBA, will be relocated from its current facilities to the Premises. The ANSWER Center will thereupon and thereafter occupy and use the education space of the church building located on the Premises for its operations.
  6. When not deployed in ministry, the Disaster Relief mobile vehicles and trailers of the GVBA will be parked and stored on the Premises behind the church building.
  7. Except as specifically set forth herein, in all other respects as concerns the Premises, the GVBA as owner shall exercise ultimate authority and control over the Premises and all decisions directly or indirectly impacting the Premises as would be accorded any other owner of real property within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Memorandum as of the date first above written.

Signed by the Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Chairman of Deacons, John Totton, and trustee, Bill Heard.

Signed by the Green Valley Baptist Association Trustee, Gary Shoulders

As of June 2022,  our offices have moved from our location at 2470 South Green Street to our new location at 2360 Green River Road. At this new location is housed GVBA & all of her ministries such as The Kathy J. Strange ANSWER Center, Disaster Relief, & much more.